The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. (Phm.1:25)

Orthodoxy News

“Polycarp Was not Merely an Illustrious Teacher, But Also a Preeminent Martyr”
06.03.2025 21:00
Elena Detinina
St. Polycarp replied calmly and firmly to all this: “We do not trade the best for the worst: It is a noble thing to turn from wickedness to righteousness. I have been serving the Lord for eighty-six years now, and I will be faithful to Him to the death.”
Offer Your Sincere Repentance in Confession
06.03.2025 20:39
A Homily for Clean Friday, at Matins
St. Philaret of Chernigov
Why don’t you want to tell someone else about your sins? Are you ashamed? Oh, if only it were so!
Revealng the Image of God
06.03.2025 02:33
Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko)
The Savior is compared to the woman in the Gospel parable who diligently seeks the lost drachma. This drachma is each person’s soul.
Sermon after Reading the Great Canon on Thursday of the First Week of Lent
06.03.2025 01:56
Archimandrite Joseph (Yeremenko)
Who is this mysterious Melchizedek, about whom so little is written in the Holy Scriptures, but whom the holy author of the Great Canon calls on us to imitate?...
The Spiritual Warfare of Great Lent
04.03.2025 20:44
Metropolitan Athanasios of Limassol
In order to wage spiritual warfare, we need the presence of Divine grace, for this is no human warfare.
On the Beginning of Great Lent!
04.03.2025 03:35
Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko)
The Lord is always with us, He never abandons any of us.
The Fast Restores Our Spiritual Health
04.03.2025 00:36
Homily for Clean Tuesday, at the Hours
St. Innocent of Kherson
By its very appearance, fasting dispels a whole throng of disorders and temptations.
Great Lent is the Springtime of the Soul
03.03.2025 10:07
Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko)
Each person has the possibility to enter into this wondrous divine Light. After all, Christ came into the world for this, and poured out His blood on the Cross so that we might enter into His unutterable joy.
Sermon on Monday of the First Week of Lent
02.03.2025 20:27
Archpriest Pavel Kondrakov
Just as nature comes back to life in spring and all its vital forces that were hidden during the winter come into bloom, so a person comes back to life during fasting, revives in repentance and springs up to life with God.
The Lamentation of Adam’s Descendants
01.03.2025 20:35
Priest Dimitry Vydumkin
The very longing for the Heavenly Fatherland was left to us as a gift, without which our treasure, and therefore our heart, would never have risen up from the earth.

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Question №6
Добрый день! Подскажите, пожалуйста, что такое "мшелоимство", "многостяжание", "скверноприбытчество"?
04.07.2010 г.
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Beginning of the survey 08/22/2022