Priest Andrii Kudriavtsev

Was born on February 2, 1972 in Kyiv.

He received his secondary education at the 179th secondary school in Kyiv, higher - at the National Agrarian University of Kyiv, specializing in electrical engineering.

He was baptized in 1987 in the city of Sochi in the church of St. Michael the Archangel.

While studying at the National Agrarian University (then - the Ukrainian Agricultural Academy USHA, now - the National University of Bioresources and Nature Management) got married. I have three children and two granddaughters.

In 1993, on the day of remembrance of St. blgv. book. Alexander Nevsky (September 12, n / s), was ordained a deacon by Metropolitan Nikodim of Kharkov and Bogodukhovsky. In 1994, on the day of memory of St. Venerable. Sergius, hegumen of Radonezh (October 8 n / s), was ordained a priest by Metropolitan Vladimir of Kyiv and All Ukraine.

During the pastoral service he graduated from a university, worked as a programmer in the State Branch Archive of the Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine, and after that - as the head of the computer network maintenance sector of the Central Geophysical Observatory of Ukraine. Due to the increased workload at the parish, he left his secular job in 2008.

He received additional higher education at the Orthodox St. Tikhon University for the Humanities under the professional retraining program "Theology".

Since 2018, the rector of the church in honor of Sts. Royal Passion-Bearers of Reno-Sparks, Nevada.

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Should an Orthodox Christian be afraid of the coming of the Antichrist?

The biblical story about the Antichrist is a metaphor. The real Antichrist will never come.
The Antichrist will come, but not soon. You don't have to be afraid un till then.
The Antichrist is coming soon. We need to get ready.
The Antichrist has already come.
You need to be afraid to sin.

Beginning of the survey 08/22/2022
Results of the survey 09/01/2023.
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